Archive for June, 2011

C-Bar Schoolyard Rumble Retaliation 7-10-11 (Sunday)

Are you ready for some team based drunken all day qualifying and 1 ball per player finals, again?  Well it’s going down again!


Sorry, had to do it!

Pretty much the same format* only smaller teams (most likely 5 players per team) which means bigger prizes, more battles and even more hate filled rivalries!  It’s going to be held on Saturday, July 9th starting at noon.  Once again it will be held at C-bar.  I want to encourage players to sign-up as early as possible either by telling me, emailing or posting on the site.  I will not be collecting any cash ($20 entry) until the day of.  However, if you tell me you are in, and then get drafted and are a no show there’s gonna be trouble.  This time around it will be Dennis doing the punishment with 1 head butt to the chest.  We’re talking a drunk Dennis too, so who knows, he may get carried away and start taking a few swings too!  Either way, from those that played in the last one, you know it’s a blast.  Let me know if anyone is interested in being a Captain of a team and partaking in the draft.  The draft can either happen Friday night, or Saturday morning before the tourney (10:30ish).


Yeah, he's talking shit. What are you gonna do?

*The way it works, based on a 30 player 6 team format.  Casual Flow all day will make up qualifying.  For those that don’t know, that means 4 player match games, with scoring of 4,2,1, or 0 points based on how you did..  In this case with 6 teams it may be 3 player games though.  Once qualifying is over everyone’s points will be added to make their team total.  Teams total points will then determine their seed for the finals.  Finals will be head to head first team to win 3 games.

6 v 3 and the winner will advance to play 2

4 v 5 and the winner will advance to play 1

During each finals match the top seed will have choice of machine or position for the first game.  Winner of each game will then have choice of machine or position.  Just like last time it is 1 ball per player and a player can’t play again until everyone on the team has played.

Down to rumble:

Eric Hill
Jake McGhee
Fred Franken
Noah Davis
Jeff Gagnon
Aaron Nelson
Mindy Bert
Pat Castaldo
Dennis Brenhaug*
J.D. Yeager*
Isaac Ruiz*
Pirate Mike Smith PDX
Chris Rhodes
Mike Mahaffey
Raymond Davidson
Jeff Spaziani
Jon Davis
Ben Applebaum*
Kris Fast*
Emma Eichhorn
Matt Fentress
Michael Hassenpflug
Zoe Vrabel
Jared Kramer
Danny Backglass Belrose
Paige Atkinson
Jeff Krauss
Nathan Stellhorn

*Potential Captain (just let me know if you would like to be)

Posted: June 13th, 2011
at 1:45pm by dropshot

Categories: CFF

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