New Seattle Pinball Destination?
Apparently Add-A-Ball is some new place that has pinball in Seattle.
What’s the story?
I must say if this is their website it pretty much rocks.
The site features this graphic.

Sure, I'll take my kids here for thier birthday. What's that magazine you're reading?
NY Meeting Highlights
Last nights meeting at the Satellite Lounge was a pretty great success. The gang is growing, Jim “Slam Tilt” I’m proud to say has given up his initials for CFF.
It was great to also meet some of the locals on the Pinball scene. Shaun from showed up and brought a crew with him, also it was a pleasure to meet Jory who’s initials seem to be all over town. Alison made the trek to join us and was rocking the tables.
Allen, ( the mayor of pinball in NY couldn’t join us last night however without him pinball would pretty much be dead in Brooklyn. We played on his tables that he keeps well maintained and in good condition, a rare thing for NY tables.
It seems that our combined efforts are going to help us promote and grow pinball to the level it should be at in this city.


Cause DDT loves to see me jumping.
if you are in NY and want to play with us drop be a line at drew at mohdi dot com and I’ll be sure to let you know the next time we play.
CFF New York Meeting!
While pinball has yet to take off in NY the Portland influence is starting to take place. Satellite Lounge opened up about a month ago and features 4 tables. WOW, 4 tables in one bar amazing!
So Sunday May 24th at 10PM come out and join the small New York chapter of CFF as we tear it up on CSI, LOTR, Terminator 2 and Taxi.
View NY Pinball Map in a larger map
BTW this is my somewhat lacking pinball map of the city. For more places check out.
These guys seem to stay on top of it pretty well.
Bring your quarters your passion and skills. We got some balling to do.
Sunday 10PM Satellite Lounge.
I hope to see you there.
Tuesday 19th Goodfoot Tournament
Goodfoot Tournament 7:00 pm. Just like the others, single game double elimination with no EB’s. $5 to enter with the top 3 leaving with cash prizes.
5/7 Billy Ray’s Thursday Tourney
All the machines are dialed in, Batman: Dark Knight has replaced Scared Stiff. Soprano’s, Monster Bash, Medieval Madness, and Attack From Mars finish out the line-up. New pay-outs are going to be in place. The top 3 finishers will win their money back and then some. The start time is being changed to 7:00 with not much of a grace period for those running late. Sorry for the inconveniences, LET ME KNOW IF YOU WILL BE 5 MIN LATE. Once again, same set-up, single game double elimination with no extra balls. Hope to see you all there.
P.S. Eric has won the last two events!